MKDRS is going to be 40!
Priscilla Dorrance
Next year MKDRS will be 40 years old! To celebrate we are planning various special events.
January Quiz
To start the year off, Sarah Bernarde is organising a quiz on 14th January.
Open Day
On 1st July 2018 we are going to have an Open Day. Please put the date in your diary now!
It’s going to be a wonderful event. We are still working out the final programme, but hope there will be performances by our Choir,
Cheder children and Crossroots (Andy Gilbert’s band), along with craft activities for children, displays and a video slide show
featuring photos from the past 40 years, and of course food – no Jewish event would be complete without food!
The Open Day will be, as the name implies, open to the public as we want to showcase our community both to the wider MK
community and to other Jewish communities. But most of all we want it to be a special day of celebration for all MKDRS members.
We need more volunteers to help make this a fantastic event. If you can help, even if it is in a small way – by providing food or helping for half an hour on the day (in the kitchen, with security, supervising the craft activities)
please get in touch with me on
Priscilla@dorrance.org.uk or 01525 221273.
Other Events
There will be a Special 40thAnniversary Service and Kiddush later in the year. Please look out for details of this and other
anniversary events in future editions of Listen