The MKDRS Choir, under the leadership of Sheila Goldsmith, has been together for over 30 years. Although few in number, they sing at all services and also hold the occasional concert.
Externally, the Choir is well known in Milton Keynes and has appeared at various and diverse interfaith events such as:
- The annual MK Council Holocaust Memorial Day Service
- One Voice multi-cultural concerts
- The Big Iftaar (organised by the Muslim Community during Ramadan)
- The MK Council Mayor’s Carol Service
Review of the Choir Concert: An Afternoon of Anniversary Airs (18 November 2018)
The long anticipated choir concert finally arrived, and we were rewarded with a wonderful evening filled with glorious song and entertainment.
The room was packed. People sat around tables, and festive balloons and confetti were strewn about. A cheerful backdrop, designed by Cathy and Richard, stood centre stage. The concert was a sell-out!
The theme of the concert was ‘songs from years ending in an 8’ – in keeping with 2018 being the 40th anniversary of MKDRS.
The programme was excellent, so uplifting and fun. It was divided into sections, and included classic airs by Berlin, Bernstein, Lloyd-Webber and Gershwin amongst others. There were also folk songs, Hebrew songs, pop and gospel items, all creating a wide appeal to the audience, which included friends and families from a variety of backgrounds. I, personally, appreciated the gospel music (and have sung in a gospel choir in the past).
I thought the quality of the singing was especially impressive, and could imagine the choir singing on a stage to a larger audience.
There was great hilarity when Marise and Lou walked up front, dressed as ‘A Couple of Swells’ (Irving Berlin song). It was such a fun ‘number’ – thank you to them both.
For the first time, I heard Lucie sing. What a beautiful mezzo-soprano voice she has! Lucie also knows how to project and fill the room as a trained singer (she comes from a musical family and her two sons are esteemed professional musicians in the Czech Republic). I look forward to hearing more of her solos. I liked the Czech song, which is, of course, close to her heart and heritage. Like many folk songs, however, it was rather sad. I hope to hear some happy/joyful songs in the future!
Every year, I look forward to the Kol Nidrei service, and to hearing Alan’s impressive cantorial singing. At this concert, he sang some solos and played guitar, and it was a real treat. It always cheers me up to see him in the choir, alongside Zvi and the occasional other ‘lesser-spotted male’!
Naturally, Sheila sang solos, ‘like a bird’! (I hope she doesn’t mind me saying). We are so blessed with Sheila as both choir leader and singer at our concerts and services. She brings such joy and passion and I feel uplifts everything beautifully.
The concert was a perfect mixture of choir harmony, solo songs and general fun and joy, and had some of us tapping our toes or quietly singing along. Well done to everyone. I list those who took part:
Cathy Assenheim, Barbara Booth, Lucie Carruthers, Marise Cohen, Alan Dryer, Zvi Friedman, Jocelyn Laws, Lou Tribus and choir leader: Sheila Goldsmith. They were accompanied by David Booth on keyboard.
Gratitude also goes to Viv Pollock and Cathy Assenheim for preparing the refreshments.
Review by Miriam